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Random Art Kids, Inc., started in the mind of a little girl. This little girl was diagnosed with “Sensory Processing Disorder” at the age of four. This little girl spent a lot of time at home with her family doodling in her room and at the kitchen table. At a young age her family noticed that she had an amazing talent and began to invest in her. They didn’t simply write her off as a lost special needs child but began to invest in her with words of affirmation, not letting a day go by where they wouldn’t tell her how talented and special she was. As she got older her talent grew, and her family would continue to tell her how special she was, and she didn’t want to believe it. She would simply look at her family and say “It’s no big deal, just “Random Art” thus where the name “Random Art” comes from.
Random Art Kids, Inc. is a non-profit 501-c3 under IRS Code or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. Random Art Kids LLC is made up of original creative art forms which express the thoughts, feelings, and ideas of the artist seeing the world through our eyes.

It is a form of visual communication which creates a deep long-term impact on the viewer’s mind. It is the linear realization of visual objects, emotions, concepts, and fantasies, including symbols and abstract forms. 


Now let me say hi. My name is Rea, my name on all my ART is Random. I don’t like for people to know who Rea is, not right now, at-least. So, if I ever get to meet you, just ask for Random. I am now fourteen (14) years old. I am in high school now and many kids like me see the world differently than most. During my short lifetime, I will say, it’s been a constant struggle trying to fit in with others. What I do now has turned to my “doodling”, my art into bringing smiles to people’s lives, to find their happy. I draw in pretty much every phase of art. I do not like awards. My parents enter my drawing, sketches, shading, animation art in exhibitions, you get what I am saying, but I don’t like to win. I would rather see other kids win to see them happy. I draw to find my “happy place”. 


This past summer (2023), I was invited to go to SCAD - The Savannah School of Art and Design. I visited and really like it. But my mom and dad will not let me go to college at my age and truthfully, I would love to go just as long as I don’t have to live in a dorm. It is pretty great what I get to do and the gifts God gave me. So, I don’t get upset for the SPD I have because without it, chances are I may not be an Artist and have my life plan right in front of me. 


Not all kids get the chance to do this though, so I want to help us all. The world is a really nice place you just have to see it the way we do. 




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